How to Research Your Home

Here are a few straightforward ways to find out more about your Bernal Heights home, while we’re busy revamping our site.

  1. The San Francisco History Center at the Main Library offers a helpful guide on how to research San Francisco buildings.
  2. Search the San Francisco Property Information Map. Enter your address to find your parcel information, i.e. the block and lot number. Then click on that number to see the most recent records for your home, including number of rooms, construction type, zoning code, and year of construction.
  3. Bernal Heights newspapers 1964-2008 at the Internet Archive, organized by the SF Department of Memory.
  4. City directories: These are like phone books that also list residents’ occupations. SF Genealogy lists the directories available to read online (1854-1982) via the Internet Archive. Patriarchal caveat: In many directories before 1907, women are not listed unless they are employed or widowed, so you’ll need to check Census records to find all the inhabitants of a house.